U. Neutrophils and . Pas, , pp.61-65

. Lymphocytes,

. Monocytes,

. Eosinophils,

U. Erythrocytes and . Pas, , pp.4-9

U. Hemoglobin and . Pas, , pp.129-165

, BF stim, vol.145, pp.134-157

U. Hematocrit and . Pas, , pp.38-47

, BF stim, vol.43, pp.40-45

, Abbreviations: BF stim , group treated with the blood-flow stimulator; PAS, group treated with passive recovery. Group effect: no difference between the groups for any values. a Time effect: difference from pre-exercise (P, p.5


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. Address-correspondence-to-françois-bieuzen, R. Phd, and . Department, 11 Avenue du Tremblay